Paid In Full Campaign Letter
Paid In Full Campaign Handbook
Check out the Paid In Full References page for a deeper dive into the research: https://onestandardofjustice.org/paid-in-full/references/
OSJ also has a number of resources already available on our website, including a series of Webinars on a variety of topics related to the Registry, including recidivism studies (particularly R. Karl Hanson's webinar - Sex Offense Recidivism Risk: Not What You Think), restorative justice, and evidence-based prevention. We also have a number of Fact Sheets and other informative Links for your perusal.
We look to expand our resources relating to the Paid In Full campaign in the near future, so be sure to check back later.
We have begun our campaign with an effort to contact those who have been most directly impacted by the Registry's 10-year lookback, including those who are on the registry as well as their friends and family. As we build our coalition, we look to introduce legislation to strike the language that includes these people on the Registry, and to rally support to see this legislation passed and signed into law.
If you or a loved one are on the Registry for a CT sexual offense conviction and had completed your sentence prior to October 1, 1998, OSJ would love to hear from you. Please send us a message via our Contact page.
To succeed in our campaign, we will need people across CT who are willing to help. This might mean contacting your legislators, sharing your story, visiting the CT Legislature, or otherwise helping with the legislative campaign.
OSJ has crafted form letters for people in the Retroactive group and their families to send to their legislators. The letters are available for download here:
Legislator Form Letter
If you are a member of the Retroactive group:
If you are a friend or family of someone who is part of the Retroactive group:
If you wish to help with the Paid In Full campaign, please send us a message via our Contact page. Or, if you want to help with OSJ more generally, please fill out our Volunteer Application or please consider a generous Donation to help fund our legislative campaign expenses such as letter mailing, testimony, and more.
OSJ is also collecting information about the people who were retroactively forced to register and their friends and loved ones. If you or a loved one were retroactively forced to register, please take a moment to complete our survey. All information provided is confidential and identifying information is optional, so your response can be completely anonymous if you wish. The information we collect will assist us in getting to know this group of people and to better understand how we can gain legislative and public support for removing them from the Registry.