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WEBINAR – Public Policy for Sexual Harm

This webinar was not recorded. Presentation slides will be available shortly.

How can we create policies that actually work to keep our families safe, and create safer communities overall, when they are typically driven by fear, myths, and misperceptions? How can we, as parents, as members of the community, and/or as policymakers, hear what is necessary about ensuring safe communities, when much of this is not only hard to hear, but also contradicts what we've been led to believe? Perhaps most importantly, how can we discuss these issues with others, in ways that not only further evidence-based policies, but also can cut through the myths and misperceptions that are so prevalent in society? This presentation will focus on these issues and more, and will provide some tools and techniques (and evidence) that you can use to help understand, support, and champion rational policies that will ultimately increase public safety.


Kelly M. Socia, Ph.D.
Professor at School of Criminology and Justice Studies, University of Massachusetts Lowell
(Read bio here)


Cindy Prizio
Executive Director, One Standard of Justice


Sen. Gary Winfield
Senate Chair Judiciary Committee
(Read bio here)

Deeper Dive Reading List

Shooting the Messenger: How Expert Statements on Stigmatized Populations Negatively Impact Perceived Credibility
Jason Rydberg, Kelly M. Socia, Christopher P. Dum, Katrina Cole

"Frightening and High": The Supreme Court’s Crucial Mistake about Sex Crime Statistics
Ira Mark Ellman and Tara Ellman