Presenters cover different aspects of sexual misconduct, including the impact of sexual assault, the needs of the person harmed, the design and results of using restorative justice resolution in prosecutor-referred cases of felony and misdemeanor sexual assault, and pertinent legal considerations. This presentation is directly relevant to legislators, the legal community, advocates for both people who were harmed and people who did the harm, professionals in sexual assault coalitions, schools, universities, forensic examiners and other healthcare professionals, and community partners. Less adversarial approaches as a response to sexual misconduct can enhance equity among parties and offer constructive community-based resolution.
"What we think we know about recidivism we probably don’t know… Many of the people are speaking without real facts."
- Senator Winfield
Mary Koss, Ph.D.
(Read bio here)
Kate Chisholm, M.P.H., M.A.
(Read bio here)
Quince Hopkins, JD, LL.M, S.J.D.
(Read bio here)
Dr. Elise Lopez
(Read bio here)
Laura Sinko, Ph.D., R.N., CCTS-I
(Read bio here)

All people are different.
The restore program was successful in bringing survivor victims resolution… and as reflected in the t-shirt’s message is forward thinking: survivor victims do move on. The band-aid is symbolic of a small scar being left behind.
Mary Koss
Koss (2014) The RESTORE Program of Restorative Justice for Sex Crimes: Vision, Process, and Outcomes
There's a Better Way to Get Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors
by Allana Vagianos
The criminal justice system is a pipeline, and it has leaks all along the way
- Dr. Mary Koss
How 'Emancipatory Sex-Ed' Can Help Prevent Rape
By Sarah Treleaven
It doesn't fix the underlying problem of rape culture, but a made-in-Canada program is getting good results when it comes to reducing gender-based violence.
Elise Lopez
The Gender Policy Report: Restorative Justice for Sexual Misconduct: Not if but When
Interested in RJ for campus sexual misconduct? Join our Campus PRISM Community of Practice:
C. Quince Hopkins
C. Quince Hopkins, JD, LLM, JSD "The Devil is in the Details: Constitutional and Other Legal Challenges Facing Restorative Justice Responses to Sexual Assault Cases," 50 (3) CRIMINAL LAW BULLETIN 1 (2014)
For anyone interested in our work in the Levitas Initiative at the University of Maryland School of Law and the School of Social Work, see: