One Standard of Justice (OSJ) is a volunteer-based civil rights organization that is funded primarily through donations from people like you.
We receive no state or federal funding.

On Giving Tuesday, please give us the gift of hope.
What’s New with OSJ
Fearless Support Groups
Fearless meetings will resume in January, a program to help people on the Registry and their families deal with their trauma and isolation. For more information, visit our website:
Protecting Constitutional Rights through Litigation
OSJ continues to fight ordinances that dictate where people can be within their own towns. These ordinances, termed “child safety zones”, provide no child or public safety benefit, while causing great harm to the children of impacted parents.
2024 Continuing Online Education Series
Facts Not Fear:
Public Safety Policy for Sexual Violence
Anniversary Webinar on
Restorative Justice for Sexual Violence
This year’s theme: Honoring All Victims
Stings and Entrapment:
Manufacturing a Criminal
Support OSJ’s work with your donation today.

Choose your level of support:
Pardon coaching
Hosting Fearless meetings
Educating legislators about policy
Informing people on the Registry about new laws and programs
We are grateful for any donation.