50-State Comparison
Relief from Sex Offender Registration Obligations
Updated: November 1, 2017
Duration of registration requirement*
Early termination: Generally ‡
Early termination: Juvenile/youthful offenders†
Eligibility: Criminal history ±
Standards/Other considerations ±
AL | Adults: Life. Code of Ala. §§ 15-20A-3, 15-20A-10(f). Juveniles: Life/10 years, depending on offense/recidivist status § 15-20A-28(a), (c), (f). |
Employment: Less serious offenders may petition county court for relief from employment restrictions (regarding proximity to a school) at any time. § 15-20A-25. Restrictions may be reinstated for good cause. § 15-20A-25(i). Residency: Terminally ill or permanently immobile registrants may petition county court for relief from certain residency restrictions at any time. § 15-20A-23. Must be reinstated if person is no longer afflicted. § 15-20A-23(k). Pardon relieves registration obligation only if specified, and if 30 days’ notice given to victim. § 15-22-36(c), (e). |
Lifetime juvenile offenders may petition court for full relief 25 years after release. §§ 15-20A-28(b), 15-20A-34. Less serious youthful offenders no more than four years older than victim may petition for full relief at any time after completion of sentence/court-ordered registration period. § 15-20A-24. Sealing under § 12-15-136 not available for sex offenses. |
Employment: No prior or subsequent sex offenses, no pending sex offense charges. § 15-20A-25(h). Court may consider any criminal history. § 15-20A-25(f)(2). Lifetime juvenile offenders: No subsequent youthful offender sex offender adjudication. § 15-20A-28(f). Court may consider criminal history. § 15-20A-34(g). Youthful offenders: No prior or subsequent sex offenses, no pending sex offense charges. § 15-20A-24(k). Court may consider criminal history. § 15-20A-24(h). |
Employment: No specific standard. Court may consider nature of offense/employment and any other criteria. § 15-20A-25(f). Residency: Court must find “by clear and convincing evidence that the sex offender does not pose a substantial risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense or that the sex offender is not likely to reoffend.” § 15-20A-23(g). Lifetime juvenile offenders: Court must be “satisfied by clear and convincing evidence that the juvenile sex offender is rehabilitated and does not pose a threat to the safety of the public.” § 15-20A-34(h). Youthful offenders: Court may consider factors including recommendation of probation officer/prosecutor, testimony of victim/victim’s family. § 15-20A-24(h). |
AK | Life (recidivists/aggravated offenders)/15 years (all others, upon proof of unconditional discharge of sentence). Alaska Stat. § 12.63.020(a). | Early termination only available upon reversal of conviction. Set aside/pardon does not provide relief. § 12.63.100(3) (registration required “regardless of whether the judgment was set aside under § 12.55.085 or a similar procedure in another jurisdiction or was the subject of a pardon or other executive clemency”). | No registration for juvenile adjudications. | ||
AZ | Adults: Life/10 years, depending on offense/recidivist status. A.R.S. § 13-3821(M). Juvenile adjudication: Automatic termination at age 25. § 13-3821(F) |
No specific provision for early termination of adult registrants. Set-aside under § 13-907 does not relieve duty to register. Op. Atty. Gen. No. I00-0300, 2000 WL 33156113 (Ariz. A.G. Dec. 18, 2000). Pardon may relieve but no authority directly on point. See Ariz. Admin. Code § R5-4-101(6) (pardon “absolves an individual of the legal consequences of a crime for which the individual was convicted”). |
Offense committed under age 18 (juvenile adjudication or conviction): Discretionary termination by court after successful completion of probation. A.R.S. § 13-3821(G). For conviction under 18, may also petition for termination at annual probation hearing until turning 22. §§ 13-3821(H), 13-923.
Statutory rape conviction while under age 22 with probation sentence (where victim between age 15-17) : May petition for termination upon completion of probation. A.R.S. § 13-3826. |
Statutory rape conviction while under age 22 with probation sentence (where victim between age 15-17): No intervening felony, sex, or obscenity offense. A.R.S. § 13-3826(a)(5). | Statutory rape conviction while under age 22 with probation sentence (where victim between age 15-17) : Court may deny if denial is “in the best interests of justice or tends to ensure the safety of the public.” A.R.S. § 13-3826 |
AR | Life. A.C.A. §§ 12-12-906, 12-12-919(a). | Less serious offenders may petition court for relief 15 years after release from incarceration. § 12-12-919(b). Not available for level 4 offenders/aggravated offenses/recidivists. § 12-12-919(a).
For conviction under § 5-24-221 (permitting physical abuse of a minor), registrant may petition for termination at any time. § 12-12-919(b). Expungement does not terminate registration obligation, § 12-12-905(b), but pardon/reversal/set aside/vacatur does. Id. at (c). |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | 15-year relief: No prior/subsequent sex offenses. § 12-12-919(a)(3), (b)(2)(A).
§ 5-24-221-based registration: N/A |
15-year relief: Preponderance of evidence that the petitioner is “not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others.” § 12-12-919(b)(2)(B)
§ 5-24-221-based registration: “Preponderance of the evidence that the facts underlying the offense for which the sex offender is required to register no longer support a requirement to register.” |
CA | Life. Cal Penal Code § 290.
Effective 2021, California will adopt a 3-tier registration system with varying minimum registration periods. Registration may be terminated upon petition at the expiration of the minimum period. See SB 384 (2017). |
Certificate of rehabilitation relieves duty to register for certain minor sex offenses where charges dismissed pursuant to § 1203.4. §§ 290.5(a)(1). Sex offenders eligible to apply for COR 10/7 years after dismissal of charges, depending on offense. § 4852.03(a)(2). COR available only for CA convictions. See § 4852.01. For more serious offenses, duty to register relieved only by [state] pardon. See § 290.5(b)(1). Removal from website: Exclusion available from Justice Department for certain less serious offenses. See § 290.46(e). See column 1 for changes effective in 2021. |
Sealing of juvenile records under Cal. Welf. & Inst. § 781 provides relief. Sealing available 5 years after termination of juvenile court jurisdiction or upon turning 18. § 781(a).
See column 1 for changes effective in 2021. |
Certificate of rehabilitation: Must not have been subsequently incarcerated. Must not be on probation for a felony. § 4852.01(c). Must “conform to and obey the laws of the land.” § 4852.05. Removal from website: No conviction for certain listed offenses. See § 290.46(b) – (e). See column 1 for changes effective in 2021. |
Certificate of rehabilitation: “The person shall live an honest and upright life, shall conduct himself or herself with sobriety and industry, shall exhibit a good moral character, and shall conform to and obey the laws of the land.” § 4852.05. Must reside in California for 5 years prior to application. §§ 4852.01(c), 4852.03(a)(2). Must not be on supervised/conditional release. § 290.5(A)(1). Removal from website: Mandatory for listed offenses if designated as low/moderate-low SARATSO risk level. § 290.46(e).See column 1 for changes effective in 2021. |
CO | Life. C.R.S. § 16-22-103. | May petition court for relief after 20/10/5 years (from date of discharge by DOC), depending on the offense, or upon successful completion of deferred adjudication. § 16-22-113(1)(a) – (d). Relief not available for serious violent offenses/SVPs. § 16-22-113 (3). Sex offenses not eligible for sealing under § 24-72-702. Collateral relief order not available for sex offenders. See, e.g., § 18-1.3-107. Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority directly on point. See § 16-17-103 (“A pardon issued by the governor shall waive all collateral consequences associated with each conviction”). |
Juvenile offenders: May petition for relief after discharge of sentence/disposition, unless court orders continuing registration. § 16-22-113(1)(e). Relief not available for serious violent offenses/SVPs . § 16-22-113 (3). Misdemeanor first offenders under 18 convicted of unlawful sexual behavior/indecent exposure may immediately move to be exempted from registration requirements. § 16-22-103(5). |
20/10/5 year relief/Deferred adjudication/Juvenile offenders: No prior/subsequent sex offense conviction. §§ 16-22-113(1), (3), 16-22-103(4). Misdemeanor offenders under 18: No prior sex offense charges, no prior unlawful sexual behavior charges. § 16-22-103(5) |
20/10/5 year relief/Deferred adjudication: No additional criteria. Juvenile offenders: Court considers “whether the person is likely to commit a subsequent offense of or involving unlawful sexual behavior.” § 16-22-113(1)(e). Misdemeanor offenders under 18: Evaluator must recommend exemption based on best interest of offender/community. § 16-22-103(5)(a)(IV). Court must determine by totality of circumstances that registration would be unfairly punitive and that exempting the person would not pose a significant risk to the community. § 16-22-103(5). |
CT | Life/10 years, depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 54-252(a), 54-251(a). Out of state convictions, see § 54-253(a) (until registration terminates in jurisdiction of conviction). |
Full pardon “erases” conviction and relieves all legal disabilities, though no authority directly on point. § 54-142a(e). No other provision for early termination. |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | ||
DE | Life (tier III/recidivists)/25 years (tier II)/15 years (tier I). 11 Del. C. § 4121(e). *Registration period runs from release from custody (if level V custody) or effective date of sentence (level IV custody or below). Id. |
Tier II/III misdemeanor offenders where victim was not under 13 (if offender was 18 or older at time of commission) may petition for relief immediately. § 4121(d)(6). Tier I offenders may petition for relief 10 years from last day of Level IV/V sentence, or from the date of sentencing if no IV/V sentence imposed. § 4121(e)(2)(c). Tier II/III offenders may petition for redesignation and eventually reach a Tier I designation, though certain waiting periods and eligibility criteria apply. See § 4121(e)(2). Unconditional pardon relieves registration obligations. Heath v. State, 983 A.2d 77 (Del. 2009). Sex offenses not eligible for misdemeanor first offender expungement. § 4373(c)(1). |
Juveniles convicted of less serious offenses may petition for relief at earlier of 2 years after adjudication/completion of treatment. § 4123(d). Juveniles may be exempted from registration for less serious offenses at sentencing. § 4123(c). |
Tier II/III offenders: No sex offense/violent felony convictions. § 4121(d)(6)(b).
Tier I offenders: Must be free of any non-vehicle conviction for 10 years. § 4121(e)(2)(c). |
Tier II/III offenders: Court must determine “by a preponderance of the evidence that such person is not likely to pose a threat to public safety if released from the obligations [imposed by registration].” § 4121(d)(6)(c)
Tier I offenders: Must establish “by a preponderance of the evidence, that the public safety no longer requires preservation of the original designation.” § 4121(e)(2)(d). Must complete treatment program. § 4121(e)(2)(c). |
DC | Life/10 years (running from placement on probation or parole, or completion of community supervision if later) depending on offense/recidivist status/sexual psychopath status. D.C. Code § 22-4002(a), (b). | No early termination available except through presidential pardon. | No registration for juvenile adjudications. | ||
FL | Life. Fla. Stat. § 943.0435(11). | May petition for relief 25 years after release for less serious offenses. § 943.0435(11)(a). Full pardon relieves all registration obligations. § 943.0435(11). |
Certain youthful offenders (not more than 4 years older than victim who was 13 or older but less than 18 ) may petition for relief immediately. § 943.04354. | 25 year relief: No subsequent arrest for any felony or misdemeanor. § 943.0435(11)(a)(1) Youthful offenders: N/A |
25 year relief: Must demonstrate that relief complies with certain federal standards. Court must be “satisfied that the offender is not a current or potential threat to public safety.” § 943.0435(11)(a)(2). Youthful offenders: Termination must not conflict with federal law. § 943.04354(2). |
GA | Life. O.C.G.A. § 42-1-12(f)(6). |
Certain less violent offenses: May petition court for relief from registration, residency and employment restrictions 10 years after completion of sentence. Such offenders with level I risk assessment may petition for relief at any time. § 42-1-19(a)(4), (c)(2). Non-sexual kidnapping of minor: May petition for relief immediately. 42-1-19(a)(3), (c)(1). Physically incapacitated registrants, those in a nursing home or permanently disabled may petition for relief immediately. § 42-1-19(a)(1), (c)(1). Discharge following first offender deferred adjudication provides relief from registration obligations. § 42-1-12(8). Pardon provides relief from registration. Sex offenders must wait 10 years before applying, and a separate application form is required. See https://pap.georgia.gov/ pardons-restoration-rights. |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | Certain less violent offenses: No prior conviction for sex offense/distribution of obscene materials to minors. O.C.G.A. §§ 42-1-19(a)(4), 17-10-6.2(c)(1)(A). Pardon: “Must have lived a law-abiding life during the 10 years prior to applying.” No pending charges. https://pap.georgia.gov/pardons-restoration-rights.. |
Certain less violent offenses: Court must find “by a preponderance of the evidence that the individual does not pose a substantial risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.” O.C.G.A. § 42-1-19(f). Must complete supervised release/probation. O.C.G.A. § 42-1-19 (a)(4). For specific disqualifying offense characteristics, see O.C.G.A. § 17-10-6.2(c)(1). Non-sexual kidnapping of minor: Same “preponderance” standard as above. § 42-1-19(f). Incapacitated registrants: Must have completed period of parole/probation § 42-1-19(a)(1). Same “preponderance” standard as above. § 42-1-19(f). Pardon: Considerations include results of mandatory polygraph and psychosexual evaluation. https://pap.georgia.gov/pardons-restoration-rights. |
HI | Life. HRS § 846E-2. |
Any offender may petition court for relief after 40 years (from later of date of sentencing/release). § 846E-10(e). Certain tier 2 offenders may petition after 25 years, § 846E-10(c); certain tier 1 offenders after 10 years, § 846E-10(d). Out of state offenders, see § 846E-2(b). Pardon/reversal removes data from public registry. § 846E-3(e). |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | 40 year relief: N/A 25/10 year relief: No intervening felony or sex offense convictions. §§ 846E-10(c), (d), 846E-1. |
40/25/10 year relief: Substantial evidence and more than proof by a preponderance of the evidence that offender is very unlikely to commit a covered offense ever again, and registration will not assist in protecting the safety of the public or any member thereof. § 846E-10(f) |
ID | Life. Idaho Code § 18-8310(1). | May petition court for full relief after 10 years if not an aggravated offender/violent sexual predator. § 18-8310(1).
May petition from relief from bars on employment with child care facility/proximity to facility after 10 years. § 18-8328. |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | Full relief: No other conviction for offense requiring registration. § 18-8310(4). No pending criminal charges. § 18-8310 (1)(b). Employment/proximity: N/A |
Full relief: Clear and convincing evidence that it is highly probable or reasonably certain the petitioner is not a risk to commit a new violation for any violent crime/sex offense/certain crimes against minors. § 18-8310(4)(c). See also State v. Kimball, 181 P.3d 468. Must have completed sentence and treatment program. § 18-8310(1)(a), (e). Employment/proximity: Clear and convincing evidence that offender does not pose threat to children in day care facilities. Must present testimony from licensed physician/psychologist about petitioner’s chance of success of not committing an act against children. § 18-8328. |
IL | Life/10 years, depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. 730 ILCS 150/7. | No specific provision for early termination. Sealing or expungement of conviction appears to relieve obligation to register. 20 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 2630/12(a). Pardon may relieve if expungement authorized. |
Juvenile offenders: May petition for relief after 5 (felony)/2 years (misdemeanor). 150/3-5(c). Does not apply to juveniles prosecuted as adults. 150 /3-5(i). | Juveniles: Registrant poses no risk to the community (by a preponderance of the evidence based upon enumerated factors). 150/3-5(d), (e). | |
IN | Life/10 years (from later of release from incarceration/placement on community supervision), depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. Burns Ind. Code Ann. § 11-8-8-19. Out of state convictions, see § 11-8-8-19(f). |
No specific provision for early termination. Expungement of adult record does not provide relief. § 35-38-9-6(e). Pardon may relieve but no authority on point. |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | ||
IA | Life/10 years, depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. Iowa Code § 692A.106. | Tier I offenders may petition for modification of registration requirements after 2 years; Tiers II and III after 5 years. § 692A.128(6). Registration not required for deferred judgment that has been set aside. § 692A.101(7). Pardon may relieve but no authority on point. |
Juvenile court may waive registration requirement in most instances. § 692A.103(3), (4). Prior to discharge by juvenile court, most juvenile offenders may move for modification/suspension of registration requirements upon a showing of good cause. § 692A.103(5); see also § 232.54(1)(i). Sealing under § 232.150 does not provide relief. § 692A.101(7). |
2/5 year relief: Risk assessment must classify offender as a low risk to reoffend. Must complete required treatment. § 692A.128(2). Offenders still on conditional release of any kind must additionally obtain stipulation of district DOC director. § 692A.128(2)(e). | |
KS | Life/25 years/15 years, depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. K.S.A. §§ 22-4906, 22-4906b(f). Juveniles under 14: Must register to age 18 or for 5 years from adjudication/release, whichever is later. §§ 22-4906(f), 22-4906b(f). Out of state convictions, see §§ 22-4906(k), (l), 22-4906(k), (l) (term required by jurisdiction of conviction or KS, whichever is longer). |
“No person required to register as an offender pursuant to the Kansas offender registration act shall be granted an order relieving the offender of further registration under this act.” § 22-4908. Expungement relieves public registration obligation only. § 22-4909(e). However, expungement under § 21-6614 is not available while registered. § 21-6614(f). Pardon may relieve but no authority on point. |
Juvenile offenders under 14: Court may waive registration requirement for “substantial and compelling reasons.” §§ 22-4906(f), 22-4906b(f). | ||
KY | Life/20 years, depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. KRS § 17.520(2), (3). | Registration terminates upon completion of pretrial diversion/deferred adjudication under § 533.250. § 17.500(5)(d). Early termination available in case of pardon/reversal. § 17.578. |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | ||
LA | Life/25 years/15 years, depending on offense. La. R.S. § 15:544(A), (B). Out of state offenders, see § 15:544(C). |
15 year registration may be reduced to 10 years upon petition § 15:544(E)(1). No provision for reducing 25-year registration requirement for sexual misconduct with a minor. “The requirement to register shall apply to an offender who is pardoned.” § 15:544(A), (B)(1). Deferred/withheld adjudication does not provide relief, §§ 15:541(7), :24(b), nor does expungement, La. C.Cr.P. Art. 973(A)(1). |
Lifetime juvenile offender: May be reduced to 25 years upon petition after 25 years if “clean record.” La. R.S. § 15:544(E)(2). | 15 year/lifetime relief:: No sex offense convictions. § 15:544(E)(3), (E)(4)(c). No subsequent felony convictions. § 15:544(E)(3). |
15 year/lifetime relief : Must successfully complete any period of supervised release/sex offender treatment program. § 15:544(E). |
ME | Life (Tier III/recidivists)/25 years (Tier II)/10 years (Tier I). 34-A M.R.S. § 11285. Out of state offenders, see §§ 11285(2), (4), (6), 11284.(9) (same periods as Maine; pardon and set-aside relief also apply). |
Registration not required for charge dismissed following completion of deferred disposition under 17-A M.R.S. § 1348-A. See 34-A M.R.S. § 11272(1). Pardon/vacatur/set aside provide relief from registration obligations. § 11285(9)(B). However, by policy, pardon will not be granted solely for removal from registry. http://www.maine.gov/ corrections/adult/pardon/. |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | ||
MD | Life (tier III offender)/25 years from release/placement on conditional sentence (tier II offender)/15 years (tier I offender). Md. CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Code Ann. § 11-707. Juveniles: 5 years/until termination of juvenile court’s jurisdiction. §§ 11-707(a)(4)(iv), 11-704.1(d). However, before juvenile court jurisdiction terminates, court may require registration as an adult offender. § 11-704(c). |
Registration period of tier I offender may be reduced to 10 years upon petition after 10 years. § 11-707(c). Pardon/vacatur/set aside relieves registration obligation. § 11-704(b)(2). |
Juvenile offenders may petition court for reduction of registration period while under jurisdiction of juvenile court. § 11-707(a)(4)(iv) | Tier I offenders: No sex offense/felony conviction in prior 10 years. § 11-707(c)(1), (2). | Tier I offenders: Must successfully complete any period of supervised release and treatment program. § 11-707(c)(3), (4). |
MA | Life/20 years, depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. ALM GL ch. 6, § 178G. Court may waive registration if not sentenced to immediate confinement, unless recidivist/serious offender. § 178E(f). |
20 year registrants may petition for termination after 10 years. § 178G.
Pardon may relieve registration obligation but no authority on point. See Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 127, § 152. Sealing does not provide relief. See ch. 276, § 100A(6), ch. 6, § 172(b). |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | 20 year registrants: No subsequent sex offense conviction within the 10 years preceding the petition. § 178G. | 20 year registrants: Clear and convicting evidence that the offender is not likely to pose a danger to the safety of others. § 178G. |
MI | Life (tier III)/25 years (tier II),/15 years (tier I). MCLS § 28.725(10) – (12). |
Tier I registrants may petition for relief after 10 years.
Set aside/expungement does not provide relief. § 28.722(b)(1); see § 28.728(10). Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. See People v. Van Heck, 651 N.W.2d 174, 179 (Mich. App. 2002). |
Certain consensual youthful offenders may petition for termination at any time. § 28.728c(3), (14). Termination is mandatory if eligible based on details of offense. Id.
Tier III based on juvenile adjudication may petition after 25 years. § 28.728c(1), (2). Registration of juvenile offender under 14 at the time of offense must be terminated upon petition. § 28.728c(3), (15)(a). |
Tier I/Juvenile tier III: No sex offense/felony conviction during preceding 10/25 years. § 28.728c(12), (13). | Tier I/juvenile tier III: Court must determine that the individual is not a continuing threat to the public upon consideration of factors including severity of offense, prior record, and victim impact statement. § 28.728c(11). Must successfully complete supervised release/parole and treatment program. § 28.728c(12), (13). |
MN | Life/10 years, depending on conviction/recidivist status. Minn. Stat. § 243.166(6)(a), (d). Out of state offenders, see § 243.166(b)(3), (6)(e) (registration for period required by MN law unless longer period in jurisdiction of conviction). |
No specific provision for early termination. Pardon may relieve obligation to register but no authority on point. See § 638.02(2). Sealing probably does not relieve registration duty. Sex offenses may not be expunged under § 609A.02. |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | ||
MS | Life. Miss. Code Ann. § 45-33-47(1). |
Tier I offenders may petition for relief after 15 years; Tier II after 25 years. § 45-33-47(2)(b), (c). Relief not available for certain offenses against persons younger than 15. § 45-33-47(2)(f).
Pardon/set aside/dismissal relieves registration obligations. § 45-33-47(4). Expungement/sealing (except for juvenile sealing) not available for sex offenses. § 45-33-55.. |
Juvenile offenders may petition for relief after 25 years. § 45-33-47(2)(g). | Tier I/Tier II/juvenile: Relief not available for certain recidivists. § 45-33-47(2)(e). Court considers prior and subsequent criminal behavior. § 45-33-47(3). | Tier I/Tier II/juvenile: Must show that “future registration . . . will not serve the purposes of [the law] and the court is otherwise satisfied that the petitioner is not a current or potential threat to public safety.” § 45-33-47(3). |
MO | Life. § 589.400 R.S.Mo. |
Certain non-violent offenders may petition for relief after 10 years. § 589.400(7).
Pardon/vacatur/set aside provides relief. § 589.400(3). |
Nonviolent youthful felony offenders may petition for relief after 2 years if 19 or younger at commission and victim was 13 or older. Certain youthful misdemeanor offenders 18 or younger at commission may petition for relief immediately. § 589.400(8). | 10 year relief/youthful offender: Must demonstrate that offender is not a current or potential threat to public safety. § 589.400(9)(1). | |
MT | Life. Mont. Code Ann. § 46-23-506(1). |
Less serious level 1 sex offenders may petition court for relief after 10 years; level 2 offenders after 25 years. § 46-23-506(3)(b), (5). Not available for SVPs. § 46-23-506(5)(d). Pardon may relieve registration obligation but no authority on point. See § 46-23-301(1)(b). |
Court may exempt first-time juvenile sex offender from registration. § 41-5-1513(1)(d). | 10/25 year relief: No subsequent sex offenses. § 46-23-506(5)(c). Offender must have “remained a law abiding citizen.” § 46-23-506(3)(b)(i). Juvenile: No prior sex offenses. § 41-5-1513(1)(d)(1). |
10/25 relief: Court must find that continued registration is not necessary for public protection and that relief from registration is in the best interests of society. § 46-23-506(3)(b)(ii). Juvenile sex offender: Similar criteria as 10/25 year relief, see § 41-5-1513. |
NE | Life/25 years/15 years, depending on offense/recidivist status. Rev. Neb. Stat. § 29-4005(1)(b). |
15 year period may be reduced to 10 years upon petition after 10 years. § 29-4005(2). Pardon relieves registration obligation. See 2002 Op. Att’y Gen. No. 02025, http://ago.nebraska.gov /ag_opinion_view?oid=4011 (“It is our conclusion that because the registration requirements of the NSORA are a legal consequence of a conviction, a sex offender who has been pardoned would not be required to register as a sex offender”). Out-of-state pardon also given effect. § 4003(1)(a)(ii). Probationer set aside does not provide relief from registration obligation, § 29-2264(5)(j), nor does any other “comparable procedure” from another jurisdiction “to nullify a conviction other than by a pardon.” § 4003(1)(a)(ii). |
Juveniles not subject to SORA unless prosecuted in adult court. Same rule applies to out of state juvenile offenders. See http://journalstar.com/news/local/judge-bars-state-from-adding-boy-to-state-s-sex/article_d0d21ddd-f912-532c-89b4-b0544e6de6f0.html.) | 15 year reduction: No sex offense/felony convictions during registration period. § 29-4005(2)(a), (b). | 15 year reduction: Must successfully complete period of supervision/probation and treatment program. § 29-4005(2)(c), (d). |
NV | Life (tier III)/25 years (tier II)/15 years (tier I). Nev. Rev. Stat. § 179D.490. | Tier I offender may petition for 5 year reduction of term after 10 years. § 179D.490(3), (4). Pardon does not provide relief from registration requirement, which is regulatory. See Nev. Op. Atty Gen. 14 (Nov. 18, 2003), http://pardons.nv.gov/uploaded Files/pardonsnvgov/content/About /PardonInformalOpinion.pdf. Sealing of adult convictions not available for sex offenders. § 179.245(5). |
If not aggravated sex offense, court may exempt from or waive registration requirement if it finds by clear and convincing evidence that the child is not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others. § 179D.490(3), (4). |
No sex offense/felony conviction during preceding 25/15 years. § 179D.490(3). | Must successfully complete period of supervised release/probation and treatment program. § 179D.490(3). |
NH | Life (tier II/III)/10 years from later of conviction/release. (tier I). RSA 651-B:6(I), (II). Juvenile registration terminates at 17 years or until jurisdiction of juvenile court is terminated. § 651-B:6(IV). |
Tier II offender may petition for relief after 15 years; tier I offenders after 5 years. § 651-B:6(III)(a). Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. Doe v. State, 114 N.H. 714 (1974) (pardon “completely eliminat[es] all consequences of the conviction”). |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | 15/5 year relief: No convictions for sex offense/felony/class A misdemeanor/offense against child. § 651-B:6(III)(a). | 15/5 year relief: Court must find that removal from the registration requirements will assist the individual in the individual’s rehabilitation and will be consistent with the public welfare. § 651-B:6(III)(b). Must successfully complete period of supervised release/probation and treatment program. § 651-B:6(III)(a). |
NJ | Life. N.J. Stat. § 2C:7-2. | May petition for relief 15 years from later of conviction/release. § 2C:7-2(f). Certain offenders ineligible. See N.J. Stat. § 2C:7-2(g). Pardon may or may not relieve obligation to register, but wording of relevant statute suggests it does not. See § 2A:167-5. |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | 15-year relief: Must not have “committed an offense within 15 years following conviction or release.” § 2C:7-2(f). Recidivist sex offenders not eligible. § 2C:7-2(g). | 15-year relief: Requires proof that offender “is not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others.” § 2C:7-2(f). |
NM | Life/10 years (from later of release/placement on supervision), depending on offense/recidivist status. N.M. Stat. Ann. §§ 29-11A-4(L), 29-11A-5(D), (E), (F). Out of state offenders, see § 29-11A-4(L)(3) (duration of time from convicting jurisdiction or NM time if longer). |
Registration is required while under deferred sentence, but not after a conditional discharge under § 31-20-13. See § 29-11A-3(B). No provision for early termination. By policy, sex offenders are not eligible for pardon. See N.M. Pardon Guidelines, http://www.governor.state.nm.us/ uploads/FileLinks/e2967e4447b b419792f309f9a90bac0b/Pardon _GuidelinesSept2013.pdf. |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | ||
NY | Life (level 2/3/sexual predator/violent/predicate offender); 20 years from later of date of conviction/release from custody (level 1). NY CLS Correc § 168-h. | Level 2 offenders not designated sexual predators/sexually violent offenders/predicate sex offenders may petition for termination after 30 years. § 168-o(1). Level 2/3 offenders may petition for reclassification to a lower level. § 168-o(2). Pardon relieves registration obligations. § 168-f(4). Conviction that has been “set aside” not subject to registration. § 168-a(1). |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | Level 2 termination: Must prove by clear and convincing evidence that his or her risk of repeat offense and threat to public safety is such that registration or verification is no longer necessary. § 168-o(1). | |
NC | Life/30 years (from later of conviction/release from custody), depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 14-208.7, 14-208.23. Juveniles: earlier of 18 years old or termination of juvenile court’s jurisdiction. § 14-208.30. | 30 year registrants may petition for termination after 10 years. § 14-208.12A. Reversal/vacatur/set aside/unconditional pardon for innocence relieves registration obligation. § 14-208.6C. Implication that ordinary pardon does not. Sex offenses not eligible for expungement. See §§ 15A-145.4(a)(3), -145.5(a)(3). |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | 30 year registrants : No subsequent sex offense convictions/arrests. § 14-208.12A(a), (a1)(1). | 30 year registrants : Court must be satisfied that the petitioner is not a current or potential threat to public safety. § 14-208.12A(a1)(3). Relief must comply with standards upon which federal funding is conditioned. § 14-208.12A(a1)(2). |
ND | Life/25 years/15 years, depending on offense/risk classification/recidivist status. N.D. Cent. Code, § 12.1-32-15(8). | No specific provision for early termination. Registration required for deferred adjudication. See § 12.1-32-15(1)(e), (8). Pardon may relieve registration but no authority on point, See § 12-55.1-01(4)(pardon removes “punishment or custody imposed upon a person for the commission of an offense.”). |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | ||
OH | Adults: Life (tier III)/25 years (tier II)/15 years (tier I). ORC Ann. 2950.07(B). See § 2950.07(A) for duration details. Juveniles: Life (tier III/public registry-qualified offender)/20 years (tier II)/10 years (tier I). § 2950.07(B). See § 2950.07(A) for duration details. Out of state offenders, see § 2950.07(E) (may apply for credit for time already spent in another jurisdiction). |
Tier I offender may petition for termination after 10 years; § 2950.15(C)(1). Pardon may relieve registration, but no authority on point. See § 2967.04(B) (Unconditional pardon “relieves the person to whom it is granted of all disabilities arising out of the conviction”). |
Public registry-qualified juvenile offender registrants may petition for termination after 25 years. § 2950.15(C)(2). Other juvenile offenders may petition for reclassification/declassification three years after completion of disposition. § 2152.85. |
Tier I offenders/registry qualified juveniles: No other conviction for any offense other than minor traffic offenses. § 2950.15(D)(4). | Tier I offenders/registry qualified juveniles: Court considers enumerated factors including evidence of rehabilitation/employment/financial responsibility. § 2950.15(G). Must complete sex/child-victim offender treatment program. § 2950.15(D)(3).
Other juvenile offenders: Court considers enumerated factors including nature of offense/criminal history/public interest and safety. § 2152.85(C). |
OK | Life (level 3/habitual/aggravated offender)/25 years (level 2)/ 15 years (level 1). 57 Okl. Stat. § 583(C), (D). | Level 1 offenders may petition for termination after 10 arrest and conviction-free years. § 583(E). Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. Sex offenses ineligible for deferred adjudication/ expungement under 22 Okla. Stat. Ann. § 991c. Out of state offenders: Registration not required for expunged out-of-state conviction. 57 Okl. Stat. § 582(E) (SORA shall not apply to anyone “who has received a criminal history records expungement for a conviction in another state for a crime or attempted crime which, if committed or attempted in this state, would be a crime”). |
Youthful offenders convicted of certain rape offenses that are not more than 4 years older than victim may petition for relief at sentencing or any time thereafter. 57 Ok. St. § 590.2. | Level 1 offenders: No arrest or conviction for any felony or misdemeanor within preceding 10 years. § 583(E). Youthful offenders: No other conviction for offenses to which relief applies. § 590.2(a)(1). |
Youthful offenders: Relief must not conflict with federal law. § 590.2(B), (C). |
OR | Life. ORS § 181.806(3)(c). | Misdemeanor/class C felony offenders may petition court for relief 10 years after termination of supervision/probation. Not available for predatory sex offenders. § 181.820(1)(a). Level 1 offender: May petition for relief after 5 years at level one classification. ORS § 181.821(1)(a), (1)(c). May petition for reclassification of offense level after 10 years. § 181.821(2). Out of state offenders, see § 181.821(1)(d) (must comply with rules in jurisdiction of conviction). Pardon/vacatur/reversal relieves registration obligation. § 181.806(3)(c). Set aside under § 137.225 does not provide relief. |
Certain juvenile offenders may petition for termination 2 years after jurisdiction of juvenile court/Psychiatric Security Review Board terminates for Class A/B felony sex offense; 30 days for Class C felony sex offense. §§ 181.823(2), 181.826(2). Certain offenders less than 5 years older than victim that could not consent because of age may be exempted by court upon conviction/adjudication, and may petition for relief any time thereafter. See §§ 181.830, 181.832, 181.833. |
Misdemeanor/class C felony offenders / Juvenile offenders: No prior/subsequent sex offense. § 181.820(1)(a)(A). Court considers entire criminal history. § 181.820(2)(d). Certain offenders less than 5 years older than victim: No other sex offense conviction/adjudication. ORS § 181.830(2)(d). Level 1 offender: No subsequent conviction for person felony/person class A misdemeanor. § 181.821(3)(b). Court considers all past criminal conduct. § 181.821(5)(i). Juvenile offenders: Court considers entire criminal history. § 181.823(4)(h). |
Misdemeanor/class C felony offenders / Juvenile offenders: Clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner is rehabilitated and that the petitioner does not pose a threat to the safety of the public. §§ 181.820(3), 181.823(4). Certain offenders less than 5 years older than victim: Must meet eligibility requirements at ORS § 181.830. For determination made upon conviction/adjudication, state bears burden of proving ineligibility. § 181.832(2), (3). Thereafter, offender bears burden of proving eligibility. § 181.833(6). Level 1 offender: Clear and convincing evidence that petitioner is statistically unlikely to reoffend and does not pose a threat to the safety of the public. § 181.821(4)(a). Board considers enumerated factors at § 181.821(5). |
PA | Life (tier III/ sexually violent offender/juvenile offender*)/25 years (tier II)/15 years (tier I). 42 Pa.C.S. § 9799.15(a). Out of state offenders, see § 9799.15(a)(4.1) (juvenile required to register where convicted must register even if not required in PA); id. at (7) (“period of time equal to the time for which the individual was required to register in another jurisdiction or foreign country”). |
No early termination of registration requirements available for adult offenses, other that pardon. § 9799.23(b)(2) A pardon is grounds for expungement, which removes all collateral consequences including registration requirements. See Commonwealth v. C.S., 534 A.2d 1053 (Pa. 1987) |
Certain juvenile offenders* may petition for termination after 25 years. § 9799.17(a)(1). Not available for sexually violent delinquent child, sexually violent offender required to register for life/15/25 years, SVP. § 9799.17(e). *Lifetime registration of juvenile offenders was struck down by the PA Supreme Court in 2014. See In re: J.B., No.87 MAP 2014. |
Juvenile offenders: No subsequent conviction for sexually violent offense/felony/2nd degree or higher misdemeanor. § 9799.17(a)(2). |
Juvenile offenders: Clear and convincing evidence that allowing the petitioner to terminate the obligation to register is not likely to pose a threat to the safety of any other person. § 9799.17(b)(2). Must successfully complete court-ordered supervision/treatment program. § 9799.17(a)(3), (4). |
RI | Life/10 years, depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. R.I. Gen. Laws § 11-37.1-4(a) – (c). Juveniles: 15 years for SVP/aggravated crimes/10 years. § 11-37.1-4(j). |
No specific provision for early termination. Tier II/III offenders subject to community notification may seek review of assessed notification level/manner of notification ordered. § 11-37.1-13. |
In case of a juvenile, “the court shall assess the totality of the circumstances of the offense and if the court makes a finding that the conduct of the parties is criminal only because of the age of the victim, the court may have discretion to order the juvenile to register as a sex offender as long as the court deems it appropriate to protect the community and to rehabilitate the juvenile offender.” § 11-37-1-4(j). | Community notification: “Preponderance of the evidence that the determination on either the level of notification or the manner in which it is proposed to be accomplished is not in compliance” with law governing registration/notification. § 11-37.1-13. | |
SC | Life. S.C. Code Ann. § 23-3-460(A). | No provision for early termination. Pardon does not result in removal from registry unless granted for innocence (“based on a finding of not guilty specifically stated”). § 23-3-430(F). | No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | ||
SD | Life. S.D. Codified Laws § 22-24B-19. | Certain tier II offenders convicted of incest/bestiality may petition for removal after 25 years. § 22-24B-19.1. Offenders of any tier may petition for exemption from community safety zone restrictions only after 10 years. § 22-24B-27. Not available for offense against child under 13. § 22-24B-27(5). Registration terminates upon dismissal following deferred adjudication under § 23A-27-14. § 22-24B-2. Pardon may relieve registration obligation, and specific provisions in pardon regulations suggest that it may. See http://doc.sd.gov/documents/forms/ clemency/ExecutiveClemency Instructions.pdf. |
Tier I juvenile and youthful offenders convicted of certain age-based offenses may petition for termination after 10 years. § 22-24B-19. Registration terminates upon dismissal following suspended adjudication under § 26-8C-4. § 22-24B-2. |
All relief (other than deferred adjudication): Not available for recidivist sex offenders. §§ 22-24B-19(4), 22-24B-19.1(4), 22-24B-27(2). Court considers full criminal record. §§ 22-24B-18(4), 22-24B-26(4). | 25 year tier II/Tier I juvenile or youthful offender: Must demonstrate that petitioner does not pose a risk or danger to the community. §§ 22-24B-19(6), 22-24B-19.1(6). Community safety zone restrictions: Court must find that petitioner is not likely to offend again. § 22-24B-28. Pardon: Board may require psychosexual evaluation. Executive Clemency Application Information and Instructions, South Dakota Board of Pardons And Paroles 3, http://doc.sd.gov/ documents/forms/ clemency/ ExecutiveClemencyInstructions.pdf. |
TN | Life. Tenn. Code Ann. § 40-39-207. | Non-violent offenders may petition Tenn. Bureau of Investigation for termination after 10 years if victim was not 12 or younger. § 40-39-207(a)(1), (g). Out of state offenders, see § 40-39-207(i)(4). Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. Expungement provides relief, § 40-39-207(a)(2), but sex offenses may not be expunged following diversion. § 40-32-101(a)(1)(D). |
Certain violent juvenile offenders may petition for relief at age 25 if victim was not 12 or younger. § 40-39-207(j)(3). Juvenile/youthful sex offenses are ineligible for expungement, § 37-1-153(f)(1)(A). |
Non-violent offenders: No prior/subsequent sex offense conviction. § 40-39-207(c), (g), (j)(1) – (2). Violent juvenile offender: No subsequent sex offense conviction. § 40-39-207(j)(3). |
TX | Life/10 years, depending on offense. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 62.101(a), (c)(2). Juveniles (including those tried in criminal court): 10 years. art. 62.101(b), (c)(1). |
May petition sentencing court for early termination after completion of minimum federal registration period (see Texas Offenses Tiered Under the Federal Adam Walsh Act at https://records.txdps.state. tx.us/SexOffender/). Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 62.404. Does not apply to registration as condition of community supervision. art. 62.408. Pardon relieves obligation to register only if granted for innocence. art. 62.002(c). Sex offenses are ineligible for sealing following deferred adjudication. Tex. Gov’t Code § 411.081(e)(1). |
Certain youthful offenders may petition for relief at sentencing or any time thereafter. art. 62.301(b).
Juvenile offenders may move for relief at any time. art. 62.352, 62.354. |
Youthful offenders: No prior/subsequent registerable offense. Tex. Code Crim. Proc. art. 62.301(b)(1). | Termination after minimum federal period: Court has full discretion. art. 62.405. Determination based on individual risk assessment. See art. 62.403. Must prove that offense qualifies under federal schedule. art. 62.405 Youthful offenders: Court must find by preponderance of evidence that exemption does not threaten public safety/conduct was consensual/exemption is in the best interest of victim and justice. art. 62.301(d). Juveniles: Court must determine that protection of the public would not be increased by registration, or increase in public protection is clearly outweighed by anticipated substantial harm to offender or their family. art. 62.352(a). |
UT | Life/10 years, depending on offense/recidivist status. Utah Code Ann. § 77-41-105(3)(a), (c). Juveniles: 10 years. § 77-41-105(3)(a), (c). Out of state offenders, see § 77-41-105(3)(b) (must register for time required by convicting jurisdiction if greater). |
10 year registrants convicted of less serious offenses may petition sentencing court for relief after 5 years. §§ 77-41-112(1), 77-41-105(3)(c)(ii). Expungement does not provide relief. § 77-41-109. Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. See § 77-27-1(12). |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | 10 year registrants: No conviction for any crime other than traffic offenses. § 77-41-112(1)(d). | 10 year registrants: Court must determine that removal is not contrary to the interests of the public. § 77-41-112(4)(c). Must complete all ordered treatment. § 77-41-112(1)(c). |
VT | Life/10 years, depending on offense/recidivist status/offender designation. 13 V.S.A. § 5407(e), (f). | No general provision for early termination.
Registration obligation terminates after completion of deferred sentence agreement. § 5401(15). |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | ||
VA | Life. Va. Code Ann. § 9.1-908. | Certain registrants may petition the court for termination after 15/25 years (from later of conviction/release), depending on offense. § 9.1-910. Offenders with a qualifying physical disability (including those ineligible to petition after 15/25 years) may petition for termination at any time. § 9.1-909(B). Obligation to register may be reinstated if the disability no longer exists. Id. Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. |
No relief provisions specific to juveniles/youthful offenders. | 15/25 year relief: Not available for recidivists. § 9.1-910. Court considers complete criminal history. § 9.1-910. | 15/25 year relief: Court must be “satisfied that such person no longer poses a risk to public safety.” § 9.1-910(a).
Physical disability: Clear and convincing evidence that due to his physical condition the person (i) no longer poses a menace to the health and safety of others and (ii) is incapable of reregistering. § 9.1-909(B). |
WA | Life (“indefinite”)/15 years/10 years (from later of conviction/release), depending on offense/recidivist status. Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 9A.44.140. Out of state offense: § 9A.44.140(4) (“shall continue indefinitely”). |
Registration: May petition the court for full relief after 10 years. § 9A.44.142(1)(b). Relief from registration is not available for sexually violent predators/certain class A felonies. § 9A.44.142(2)(a). Out of state offenses: May petition the court for relief after 15 years, § 9A.44.142(1)(c), unless SVP or Class A felony. Registration terminates if “a court in the person’s state of conviction has made an individualized determination that the person should not be required to register.” § 9A.44.141(3)(a). Notification: May petition for termination of notification requirements only after 15 years without a subsequent disqualifying conviction. § 9A.44.142(2)(b). Certificate of discharge under § 9.94A.637 does not provide relief. § 9A.44.140(6). Sex offenses are ineligible for misdemeanor vacation. § 9.96.060(2)(d). Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. See §§ 9.94A.030(11)(b), 9.94A.640 (1), (3). |
Juvenile offenders (including out of state offenders) may petition for full relief after 60/24 months, depending on offense. §§ 9A.44.143, 9A.44.142 (1)(a). |
Registration/notification: No subsequent conviction for disqualifying offense during waiting period. § 9A.44.142(2)(a), (b). Juveniles: No subsequent conviction for disqualifying offense/failure to register. § 9A.44.143(2)(a), (3)(a). |
Registration: Clear and convincing evidence that the petitioner is sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant removal from registry. § 9A.44.142(4)(a). Juveniles: Preponderance of evidence that the petitioner is sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant removal. § 9A.44.143(2)(c), (3)(c). |
WV | Life/10 years, depending on offense/SVP status/recidivist status. W. Va. Code § 15-12-4(a). | No provision for early termination of registration obligations. Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. |
No registration for juvenile adjudications. | ||
WI | Life/15 years, depending on offense/recidivist status/SVP status/court order. Wis. Stat. § 301.45(5). Out of state offenders, see § 301.45(5m) (life/15 years). |
No provision for relief from lifetime registration if mandated by Wis. Stat. § 301.45(5)(b). Lifetime registration based on court-ordered lifetime supervision order under Wis. Stat. § 939.615: May petition the court for termination of supervision after 15 years. § 939.615(6). Termination of supervision relieves registration obligations. § 301.45(5)(am)(2). Certain court-ordered registration based on depiction of nudity without consent terminates upon completion of sentence/satisfaction of court order. § 301.45(1)(p)(b). Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. |
Certain youthful offenders (where offense did not involve intercourse through violence/threat of violence) may petition for relief at any time. § 301.45(1m). Expungement of certain invasion of privacy convictions/adjudications upon completion of dispositional order relieves registration obligations. § 301.45(1)(p)(a). Available only to juveniles/offenders under 25. See §§ 938.355 (juveniles), 973.015 (persons under 25) for eligibility criteria. |
Lifetime supervision order: No criminal conviction while under supervision. § 939.615(6)(b)(1). | Lifetime supervision order: Court must find “that lifetime supervision is no longer necessary to protect the public.” § 939.615(6)(g). Court considers mandatory evaluation of physician/psychologist. § 939.615(6)(e). Youthful offenders: Court must determine “it is not necessary, in the interest of public protection, to require the person to comply with the reporting requirements.” § 301.45(1m)(a)(3). |
WY | Life. Wyo. Stat. § 7-19-304(a). | May petition the court in district where registered for relief after 25/10 years for less serious offenses. Wyo. Stat. § 7-19-304(a). Registration not required when charges dismissed following first offender deferred adjudication under § 7-13-301. § 7-19-301(a)(3) Sex offenses ineligible for felony expungement. § 7-13-1502(a)(iv)(T). Pardon may relieve registration requirement but no authority on point. |
Juvenile adjudication: May petition for relief after 10 years for certain offenses. § 7-19-304(a)(i). | No sex offense/felony conviction for 10/25 years prior to petition. § 7-19-304(d). | Must complete period of supervision/ordered treatment. § 7-19-304(d). |
Fed | Life (Tier III)/25 years (Tier II), 15 years (Tier I). 34 U.S.C. § 20915(a) | Five-year reduction for Tier I offenders after 10 “clean” years. 34 U.S.C. § 20915(b)(2), | Tier III sex offender adjudicated delinquent may be reduced to 25 years after 25 clean years. 34 U.S.C. § 20915(b) | During “clean” period,” no conviction for any crime for which imprisonment of more than a year may be imposed; no sex offense. 34 U.S.C. § 20915(b) | “Clean record” means: (A) not being convicted of any offense for which imprisonment for more than 1 year may be imposed; (B) not being convicted of any sex offense; (C) successfully completing any periods of supervised release, probation, and parole; and (D) successfully completing of an appropriate sex offender treatment program certified by a jurisdiction or by the Attorney General. § 34 U.S.C. § 20915(b) |
* Limited terms run from completion of sentence, including any community supervision, unless otherwise noted‡ Relief in case of reversal/acquittal only not separately noted. Waiting period runs from time of initial registration, unless otherwise noted.
† Waiting period runs from time of initial registration, unless otherwise noted.± Applies to all offenders seeking early termination, unless otherwise noted.